Read more about the article BREAKING: Student Body passes new ASBSU constitution, dissolving the IESC and Funding Board into new three-branch system
Corissa Campbell | The Arbiter

BREAKING: Student Body passes new ASBSU constitution, dissolving the IESC and Funding Board into new three-branch system

On April 5, the student body voted to pass the new Associated Students of Boise State University (ASBSU) constitution, 764-611, which will dissolve the Inclusive Excellence Student Council (IESC) and…

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Read more about the article OPINION: Why you should VOTE NO on ASBSU’s proposed constitution
Corissa Campbell | The Arbiter

OPINION: Why you should VOTE NO on ASBSU’s proposed constitution

A note from The Arbiter's editorial team: The following opinion is a guest submission and does not represent the views of our organization. The Arbiter does not endorse any preference…

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Read more about the article OPINION: The new student government constitution is a step in the right direction
Claire Keener | The Arbiter

OPINION: The new student government constitution is a step in the right direction

A note from The Arbiter's editorial team: The following opinion is a guest submission and does not represent the views of our organization. The Arbiter does not endorse any preference…

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Read more about the article Guide to the 2023 ASBSU elections: How to vote and what’s on the ballot
Taya Thornton | The Arbiter

Guide to the 2023 ASBSU elections: How to vote and what’s on the ballot

The Associated Students of Boise State University (ASBSU) will hold their 2023 elections from April 3-4. The elections will determine the next ASBSU president and vice president, associate vice president…

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Read more about the article ASBSU constitutional convention to be held during the spring 2023 semester
Taya Thornton | The Arbiter

ASBSU constitutional convention to be held during the spring 2023 semester

On Oct. 24, the Associated Students of Boise State University (ASBSU) delegates passed a new constitution. Notably, the new document would dissolve the Inclusive Excellence Student Council (IESC) and Funding…

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Read more about the article ASBSU Joint Assembly denies bill to partly fund Christmas Tree lighting ceremony
Taya Thornton | The Arbiter

ASBSU Joint Assembly denies bill to partly fund Christmas Tree lighting ceremony

In their last Wednesday meeting of the semester, the Associate Students of Boise State University (ASBSU) Assembly and Senate voted down a bill to fund the annual Christmas tree lighting. …

Continue ReadingASBSU Joint Assembly denies bill to partly fund Christmas Tree lighting ceremony