Read more about the article BREAKING: ASBSU removes Sean Masi as Government Relations Officer and potentially commits open meeting law violation
Photo by Kadyn Easter

BREAKING: ASBSU removes Sean Masi as Government Relations Officer and potentially commits open meeting law violation

On Monday, Oct. 21, 2024, ASBSU adjourned their regular session meeting and announced Sean Masi’s removal, according to anonymous sources.  Masi has been removed from the ASBSU website,  is not…

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Read more about the article Jordana captures the multitudes of love on ‘Lively Premonition’
Photo via Avia Rose Ramm

Jordana captures the multitudes of love on ‘Lively Premonition’

“Lively Premonition” is an album all about emotions.  “It’s about the cycle of love, heartbreak, lust, party-going, self-acceptance, connections and rediscovering yourself over and over again,” Jordana told Paolo Ragusa…

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