On Grove Street sits one of Boise’s hidden gems, Art Source Gallery, which features beautiful and unique art pieces created by Boise artists available for purchase. Although art museums are a valuable way to showcase and promote learning about art and its history, there’s something about being able to pick up some of the pieces to get a closer look that makes it all the more personable.
Bruce Tarbet, the gallery’s marketing director, shared that at its core the gallery’s mission is “to present high quality art by local artists while encouraging networking, sponsoring educational opportunities, and fostering public appreciation.”
Steph Teeter, Art Source Gallery member and employee, shared how she got started with the gallery.
“It [the gallery] was recommended to me by one of the framers in town as a place to get in to get started,” Teeter said. “This is a co-op, there are forty-plus artists so it’s a good place to get started but I like it so much I just stayed.”
The art scene in Boise is vibrant and electric, as illustrated by galleries like this. However, it is up to the community to keep it that way.

“Purchase art,” Teeter said. “Come to the shows, meet the artists [and] get acquainted with the community… a lot of these artists do other things. It’s a growing town and a growing community. And, take some classes! Get involved, do something yourself and see what it takes.”
Many individuals may feel inclined to create and try their hand at art after becoming further immersed in the culture of the Art Source Gallery, but may feel intimidated or unsure of where to begin.
“There’s nothing to lose,” Teeter said. “There is so much out there. Tools and materials are 80% of making art.”
Teeter also reflected on how she draws inspiration from her past equestrian career, specifically the beautiful landscapes she’s encountered in her travels.
Anne Watson Sorenson, one of the gallery’s current featured artists, currently has a piece on display titled “Funky Town Nine.”
The piece is a gorgeous watercolor portrayal of the city of Boise, featuring recognizable landmarks such as the Boise Depot.
Sorenson shared that she was not initially interested in pursuing art due to the feeling that her artistically inclined siblings had already filled that role. However, after she was exposed to the world of watercolor everything changed.
“After watching the instructor and then putting paint and water to paper, I was completely mesmerized,” Sorenson said. “I saw everything as a watercolor painting.”
Sorenson enjoys the community-oriented approach of the gallery and being able to speak with the patrons.
“I first came to Art Source Gallery as a young emerging artist about 18 years ago,” Sorenson said. “This cooperative gallery gave me an opportunity to see the reactions of other artists and the public to my artwork. I continue because of how well run the gallery is, the quality of the artists and artwork here, the wonderful customers and the collaboration.”
Due to its kind staff and talented artists, the Art Source Gallery is an excellent place for art connoisseurs or artists themselves. Sorenson even shared a piece of advice for those interested in pursuing art,“Try something new! Enjoy the process of finding you, let that be your goal!” Sorenson said.
Whether you support local artists by buying a new art piece for your home or simply need inspiration for some artwork of your own, the Art Source Gallery always has something new to discover. Visit the gallery downtown at 1516 W Grove St.
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Nice and interesting post, thank you for sharing