ASBSU Update: Bronco Day at the Capitol canceled, Election process begins (Ep. 08)

ASBSU update (Ep. 08)
Videography by Claire Keener


Hello Broncos! This is Fenix Dietz with The Arbiter’s ASBSU Update.

For the Executive Council:

It has come out that the Bronco Day at the Capitol event is no longer a public event and is instead a closed event for select members of ASBSU.

To clarify the exact reason for this change, The Arbiter contacted the ASBSU Government Relations Officer, Samantha Mulvihill. She explained that it was changed due to “a number of concerns” expressed by the organizers.

However, ASBSU was not made aware of the specific concerns.

ASBSU may also begin working with the City of Boise on affordable housing for students and sustainability initiatives.


And in very exciting news, as of February 10th, ASBSU elections are officially underway.

If you are a full-fee paying student with a cumulative GPA of 2.5, you will be able to run for an elected position during elections on March 15th – 16th. 

Those interested in being the IESC’s Vice President of Inclusive Excellence will go through a slating process where 2 to 3 candidates will be chosen by the outgoing IESC members, the ASBSU President, and IESC advisors.

The purpose of this process is to ensure that those running for the position are guaranteed to have the cultural competency and humility necessary for the role.

For more ASBSU Elections news, be sure to stay tuned and to check out Arbiter 

This has been your ASBSU Update. I am Fenix Dietz with the Arbiter and I hope you have a wonderful week!

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