What you need to know about Treefort Music Fest this week

Naked Giants at Treefort Music Festival in Boise, ID 2019
Photo by Taylor Humby

Treefort Music Festival is just around the corner. Happening from Sept. 22 – Sept. 26, this five-day festival will be filled with music, food, community and so much more. 

The festival will consist of 11 forts, which will introduce more than 100 artists, creators and performers to the Boise community. In addition, Treefort Music Fest will be welcoming over 200 local and regional music groups and artists.

Health and safety remains a top priority for the festival and COVID-19 regulations have been put in place to ensure the health and safety of attendees and staff. 

The festival requires that attendees, vendors, volunteers or anyone aged 12 or older are vaccinated or are able to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test result before visiting Treefort’s venues. 

Attendees may input their negative COVID-19 test result or proof of vaccination in the Bindle app to receive the “TMF Pre-Check” wristband.Once event-goers gain clearance from the festival, they may pick up their passes/tickets at the Treefort Box Office.

Kidfort will be the only venue that doesn’t require their attendees to be vaccinated or to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test result, given that these attendees are under 12 years of age. Guardians and parents of these children who are older than 12 will be required to follow the health and safety entry guidelines.

Emily Williams, director of Kidfort, is excited to welcome new faces to the fort and anticipates a safe and fun environment for these children and their families. 

“We have learned how to navigate safely and keep people socially responsible,” said Williams. “A child deserves to have some fun in life and so we’re going to try to offer some of those things to bring joy back into their lives, but we are also going to acknowledge that we’re in a pandemic.”

This fort will take place outside in a well-ventilated tent and attendees will be encouraged to wear their masks at all times. In addition, this will be one of the only free forts to attend that requires no admission fees.

Kidfort is created for kids but is also created by kids. The fort will feature local kid bands and will also incorporate many activities for children to enjoy and interact with. 

“There’s a lot of really good people in our community wanting to spotlight talent that is both here locally and some regionally and to bring some levity to a very heavy year and a half,” said Williams.

All 11 forts will be hosted at different venues around downtown Boise. Alefort and Artfort will be happening from Sept. 23 until Sept. 26. Comedyfort, Filmfort and Hackfort will be open from Sept. 24 until Sept. 25. Yogafort is a single-day event on Sept. 25 and Skatefort will join the day before, from Sept. 24 until Sept. 25. Foodfort and Storyfort will happen from Sept. 22 until Sept. 26 while Dragfort and Kidfort take place from Sept. 24 until Sept. 26. 

For more information on Treefort Music Festival, visit treefortmusicfest.com
For those who plan to attend, Treefort staff has provided a guide to navigating Treefort 2021.

Naked Giants at Treefort Music Festival in Boise, ID 2019
[Photo of Naked Giants performing at Treefort in 2019]
Photo by Taylor Humby | The Arbiter

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