Over the past seven months the world has been changed. Everyone’s life has been altered, whether it be with work, school, casual planning, or news about COVID-19.
Former lacrosse student-athlete, Dawson Cutright, shared how the team operated before the coronavirus pandemic.
“Before it happened, it was pretty much just wake up, school and then we have lacrosse pretty much every day of the week if we weren’t traveling,” Cutright said. “We were about halfway done with the season, I think. We were like 0-5, 0-6. We were playing awful. We were a super young team. All the coaches say go hard in practice, go hard in games because you never know what play might be your last and you always assume that an accident is going to happen.”
Something that assisted Cutright in moving forward was his future with lacrosse. He still plans on being involved in the sport and wants to pass the knowledge that he has learned from his coaches on to the next generation.
Carson Bungay played goalie for the Broncos last year. Bungay’s take as a fifth-year super senior speaks volumes of the heart that goes into this lacrosse team. His career stats include 35 games played and 443 total saves.
“Us seniors were definitely taking it pretty hard but at the same time were in disbelief a little bit that it was even really happening, so it was kind of a mixture of both,” Bungay said. “I was more in disbelief that it was really going to end like this than I was sad at that very moment.”

Photo by Mackenzie Hudson | The Arbiter
Not only did the impact of this predicament affect the seniors, but the surroundings of them such as the coaching staff.
Bungay continued to share this experience by stating, “I think our coaches did a good job of communicating with us about what they knew and what they were doing to make sure that we had the best possible chance of playing out the rest of our season that we could. They definitely did their best to let us know that they were working on keeping our season streams alive. I know that they took it just as hard if not a little bit harder than we did. They definitely took a good leadership role.”
Tanner Job, head coach of the lacrosse team, shares his first hand experience as to what that was like for him. Job has played a role as a coach since 2018, tallying up to a total of 25 total games coached. Job shared about how the uncertainty of the virus affected the team and how the university handled it.
“I try to look for the best in every situation. I was just focusing on school and this summer I got a mountain bike and I’ve just been trying to spend as much time outside as I can without playing lacrosse. They didn’t get those last moments with the fellas. That’s the biggest thing. I think they were a tight knit group by the middle of last season. We look to the future by adapting to zoom meetings and taking it one game at a time.”