Our best guess: April 28 – May 4

Week of Apr 28 – May 4

Aug 23 – Sept 23
Like last week, you are still seeking a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment, but your focus will change this week, Virgo. You are craving a deep connection with those around you and a total nourishment of mind, body and soul. Think about oneness within yourself right now and work on aspects of your life that make you feel more whole.

Sept 23 – Oct 22
The moon is stopping by for you this week, Libra, which is your reminder to care for yourself. For you, happiness comes when it is shared. You think a lot about the collective mind of humanity and how you can make others around you feel loved. You are largely a giver and humanitarian. Surround yourself, in any way that you can, with people who love you.

Oct 23 – Nov 21
If you are not careful this week, Scorpio, you are going to have a breakdown in communication. Be very careful about what you say and who you say it to. Tap into that deep empathic well you have and think about how your words will be perceived before you say anything. Now is not a time for big decisions or serious conversations.

Nov 22 – Dec 22
While the moon has left you, Sag, Venus still is opposite you. You feel like a hermit crab, retreating into your shell for a while and that is totally okay. As a fire sign, you expend a lot of energy quickly and you probably out did yourself somewhere along the line. Take this time to be cognitively aware of how you must mentally and physically recharge.

Dec 22 – Jan 20
Sadly, your luck is leaving the building, but you are an ingenuitive sign, Cap. You can make your own luck. Now is the time for planning and strategy, which you happen to be great at. Think about your short and long term goals and make a plan of specific action in order for you to see the type of successful results you want.

Jan 20 – Feb 18
You are about to experience a great loss of drive, Aquarius. But do not be discouraged by this. You are a sign that is very hard on yourself when you do not have much to do. However, your worth is not dependent on straining yourself. Now is the time to allow yourself to rest. Do your best to fully clock out, even if just for a few hours.

Feb 18 – March 20
There is an illusion or falsity that will be lifted this week. Something will become clear to you and this clearing of the fog will answer multiple big questions you have had on your mind. With these answers, you will have more space to work on smaller issues which require your attention. It will feel good on your psyche to focus on the small, instead of the large.

March 20 – April 20
Someone close to you needs your attention. You may not realize what an impact your words have on someone else until you see the trust others put in your opinions. Put that into action this week, Aries. Offer your wise guidance and foresight to problems. You will feel relief to have the focus off of you for a moment.

April 20 – May 21
You are a smooth talker Taurus, you will convince someone to partner up with you on a creative new idea you have. Be open to discussions regarding creativity, business and other exciting ventures. Let your mind go wild with possibilities. There is no time like the present. So, dream big and plan some adventures.

May 21 – Jun 21
Cherish Venus while it stays with you, Gemini. Feel love radiating from everything that you do. You will realize that you have the power to give others the love they need during an uncertain time. Hold those you love very close to you right now. If you have been thinking about making a leap in the way of romance, now is the time to do it.

Jun 21 – July 23
Venus is slowly coming your way, Cancer. If things have felt difficult for you in relationships lately, do not close yourself off. Think about ways you can try to open your heart. Try to be positive about the future and possibilities in the way of love, not negative things that may have happened in the past. The future looks bright.

July 23 – Aug 23
Some strange things may come together in a way which feels unfortuitous for you, Leo. It is your job to see this turn of events as opportunities for growth instead of just bad luck. It is easy for you to be harsh on yourself, but some things are simply out of your control. Know that greatness is just around the corner for you.

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